Ora Munter
Author / Illustrator
Ice Veil Tales |
Growing up I was bullied.
In my early 30s I learned how to mediate and re-connected with the peace and dignity I had lost. By changing my perspective, my world changed in wonderful ways I could never have imagined.
I wished I had learned this simple Mindfulness breathing technique when I was a kid. Since there was no going back for me, I wrote and illustrated “Ice Veil Tales” for others.
I presented the work to kids from every socio-economic background. Most kids were normal, some had learning disabilities, and a few were bullies who had been expelled from school. They all got the message and appreciated it.
Every child is born with unique gifts to enjoy and share. “Ice Veil Tales” can help kids experience their ultimate potential.
If you have questions or comments, you may contact Ora Munter at: Ora.Munter@gmail.com